Mia is a very special and very much loved and treasured Daughter to Sam and Mike,
No one can appreciate how special she is to them personally,
In November 2008 Samantha and Micheal were very excited at the pending arrival of their first child, But sadly Kai Patrick Lewis Crowley was too special for this world and grew his angel wings on November 8th 2008.
Samantha and Mike were very happy but also very frightened when they soon found out that Mia was on her way.
Mia Arrived safely on December 1st 2009 and Gave both Mum and Dad a reason to smile again.
Mia enjoyed her first Christmas and her first snowfall with all her family around her and as her little character developed we all became so proud of her daily amazing achievements,
May 2nd 2010 was Mia's christening day and Mum and Dad had just arrived at Great Nana's house to get Mia dressed ready to go to the church, Mia took ill and needed urgent medical attention, After the ambulance arrived and took her to the University Hospital of Wales Mia was under observation and was let out for the christening to take place but had to return to hospital immediately after the ceremony had finished,
The hospital could not conclude what was wrong and put it down to fibril convulsions...Over the course of the next two months to follow Mia was in and out of hospital almost every other week, Her seizures became stronger and more frequent, Mia was 5 months old when she was diagnosed with Epilepsy, her seizures would vary from Tonic Clonic to Petit Mal some days Mia would have over 30 seizures after many scans and E.E.G's Mia was also diagnosed with 3 types of epilepsy and West syndrome,
She is on medication to keep it under control and is doing well,
Mia has come along way in her little life and makes us prouder with every cheeky little smile she gives us.
All of the things that she has experienced have had both a physical and mental affect on Mia's development and as a result Mia has delayed learning skills,
Mia was only able to sit up and support herself at around 13 months and has learnt to crawl at around 16 months,
She now loves to stand and walk with you while you hold her hands and I actually witnessed her standing up alone just the other day in the kitchen, (Very proud moment )
Mia was recently Diagnosed with Brachycephaly ( Flat head syndrome) and is in need of a special helmet to help reshape her head, The Nhs deem this as cosmetic under our Health care but we have heard that it is covered by the Nhs in other areas an Nhs postcode lottery that we don't fall into.